
Showing posts from March, 2013

I've Uploded a 3D Model!

I've uploaded my Tardis model to , a website used to upload--and download--3D models.  Apparently, there are multiple different 3D model upload/download sites, such as Turbosquid , where I got several Dalek models which I was too slothlike/ lazy amateur and inexperienced to make on my own. Here's my Tardis: Please note that as I'd slept through my high school transdimentional engineering class, I have yet to make it bigger on the inside. I hope to upload more of these later on!

Habemus Papem!

Pope Francis got elected today!  In celebration of the beginning of the 265th successor of St. Peter's pontificate, I decided to make this simulation! Incidentally, this post was originally about my figuring out how smoke works in the physics engine--I had to set an invisible object as a "domain" object (where the smoke is allowed to be); give the domain a special texture, "Voxel Data," and tweak it's settings a bit; put another object inside the domain object and set it as a "flow" object--that is, the object where the smoke will come out from--; tweak it's settings even more (not to mention add and tweak a particle system and then assign it to the smoke settings); and finally end with smoke... as you can see, it's one of those simulations Blender needs a less complicated way to simulate... by the way, did you notice that this paragraph is not only one sentence, but is also digressing from the point? To try to balance out the animati...