Star Wars Custom Blu-ray Cover: 2011-Style Sequel Trilogy
For some reason or another, I've put After Effects on my list of favorite photo editors. It isn't meant to be used as one at all, but I find its style of masking, color correction, and effects rather useful and pleasant to work with. In one instance of this, I decided to use After Effects for a Sequel Trilogy cover that mimics the stylized look of 2011’s trilogy releases: I fit the printed cover (one draft, anyway) and the sequel disks into a spare 2013 6-disc Prequels case, which allowed me to have each two-disc Blu-ray set in one case, so the spine is a bit wider than the other two. There isn't a giant face on the front, as there is with the other two, but beyond that I feel like the official mural I used for the front cover aligns with the painted look of the other two pretty decently. Here's my latest version of the full image, complete with a couple of other changes for accuracy: As the printed version shows, some space on either side will be cut off in the f...