
Showing posts from October, 2013

Still Life

"less than a month since your last blog post, and you've got another up already?  Impossible!"  I know, right?  Anyway, here's something I've been working on for my college project with Adobe Illustrator.  My assignment was to "trace" and color a still life picture, preferably one I took.  I hastily set up a plum, a book, a frying pan and my pocket watch. I mean, easy, right?  After all, what could possibly go wrong? Is that phrase cursed or something?  The downside was that my teacher liked the super-complex tablecloth design (which I had ironically picked myself a few years ago) and decided I should also draw that. And the reflections on the frying pan. After staying up 'till 10:00 on the day before I thought it was due (although I later realized that it wouldn't be due for another half-month after that), I was done.  Here is my finally finished file: When my teacher reviewed this, he said that I was "pretty much done" (fo...

My Random Thing From College

Also known as: A Random Thing That I Made in College on My First Day Because I Was Bored and there Was Nothing to Do. My current college class, Intro to Computer Graphics, teaches Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign.  This is a prerequisite to the Computer Animation class, but they still had Blender on the computers-- Autodesk Maya , too!!  I'd been wanting to try Maya (a much more professional Blender-like tool) for quite a while; I still experiment with it every now and then before classes start, so right now I know my way around the basic basics (which is still more than I used to know, anyway).  Nonetheless, I used Blender to make the image (In College on My First Day Because I Was Bored and there Was Nothing to Do). First, I modeled a basic Gus -like guy.  For the fire, I could get into the technical details of creating a domain cube, setting a particle system, setting smoke within the physics properties, modifying the properties, setting a ramp for ...