
Showing posts from January, 2014

My Photoshop Project

Finally!  After weeks of anticipation (from me, anyway) I've finally come to my last post on the college class!  Using quick masks (like erasing except it "hides" information instead of just erasing it), adjustment layers (see last post) and technically copyrighted material, I've produced my final project!  One of my favorite things about this is that a lot of it is actually real--I really was standing on that pillar, and Klenda actually was wearing that glove, although it was originally silver (and Zorg's kampilan was photoshopped, unfortunately).  You can see where I got some photos right here .  The others I either took (Zorg), got from Wikipedia (the sword) or Google (Death Valley back there--under copyright, but apparently if you change the meaning of the picture--e.g. from nature to action--the copyright doesn't count).  If you have any questions, feel free to post some in the comments!

PS & Id

My finals are DONE!  That said, I have quite a bit of catching up to do. First, I'll post about InDesign (even though I did PhotoShop first).  InDesign (Id) is for page layouts, pull quotes and that kind of thing.  Here was my project: I had to make the title and pull quote text fancy (via Paragraph Styles --assuming you've set the workspace to Essentials by going to Workspace-->Essentials, it should be on the right side of the screen), add images (File-->Place or Ctrl-D) and make the text wrap around it ( Text Wrap, next to Paragraph Styles ).  I also had to assign page numbers (from Pages , upward from Paragraph Styles , you can set them from the master pages). Next is the Table of Contents design. This used tabs to adjust to what degree which text is left-justified or right justified. On to PhotoShop! First, I had to clean up this: Before  This was done mostly by copying & pasting different parts of the screen (the H i...