More Updates: Seven Quick Takes Edition
Decided to do another of these, since I'm behind on my posting. Here we are: 1. I've gotten a request to do a tutorial on Jason the Jumper (if anyone remembers him)! I won't get too technical, but here are some major points: a) Start out with some basic shapes. In this case, I started out with a subdivided cube. b) Extruding is essential (using the E button in Blender). I've heard from one of my books that the Extrude function is possibly the most useful tool in the whole of Blender. c) Make a rough version. The Subdivide Modifier is a great help with smoothing out a final version. For anyone interested, here's a more step-by-step version of how I made it (excluding the face). It assumes you already know the basics of Blender; if this wasn't what you were looking for, there's a much more detailed walkthrough on a gingerbread man on Blender's wiki (the original page doesn't exist before, but it's on the Internet Archive). Here'...