810NICLE Day 2021: BIONICLE Logo Recreation

For this year's unofficial BIONICLE celebration day (the blog post came a little late for August 10th, but I put it on YouTube in time), I decided to whip up a logo recreation in Blender, using After Effects for some fancier lighting/compositing. I was trying to recreate the rarely-seen animation at the start of this commercial: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/files/vid/More/Promo%20CD%20Videos/BohrokSwarmIntro.m4v


I felt some aspects could use a bit of work, particularly with the camera, but for the time allotted I think it turned out pretty well. This is also one of my first attempts at node-based procedural textures in a while, so anything that helps me learn is a win on my count. 

The sound, as well as the reference video, belong to LEGO; thanks to BioMedia Project for archiving.

