An Update on Yoda
Waaaay back when , one of my earliest designs was a basic picture of Yoda. I made a few updates on it, then decided it was complete. Mark I--2/09/12 Pretty early on (a.k.a. I didn't know how to render), this was one of my very first CGI pictures (not to mention the first one I shared on this blog). After leaving it alone for a little, I decided to scale things up a bit. Mark III--4/16/12 This was much better. After Mark II (virtually identical to Mark III except for using the older Yoda model) I decided to upgrade it to this, then leave it be again, as I was satisfied with the way it looked--then, I realized what was was missing: textures. Although this is among my most colourful projects, it is completely textureless. I decided to correct that--as well as fix the lightsaber... Mark IV--2/27/13 Here's my textured, more detailed model; I used the claw from an earlier project for Yoda's right hand, and used two cylinders for the lights...