
Showing posts from February, 2013

An Update on Yoda

Waaaay back when , one of my earliest designs was a basic picture of Yoda.  I made a few updates on it, then decided it was complete. Mark I--2/09/12 Pretty early on (a.k.a. I didn't know how to render), this was one of my very first CGI pictures (not to mention the first one I shared on this blog).  After leaving it alone for a little, I decided to scale things up a bit. Mark III--4/16/12 This was much better.  After Mark II (virtually identical to Mark III except for using the older Yoda model) I decided to upgrade it to this, then leave it be again, as I was satisfied with the way it looked--then, I realized what was was missing: textures.  Although this is among my most colourful projects, it is completely textureless.  I decided to correct that--as well as fix the lightsaber... Mark IV--2/27/13  Here's my textured, more detailed model; I used the claw from an earlier project for Yoda's right hand, and used two cylinders for the lights...

Beware The Shadowed Monkey

Certainly not the most typical title for a blog post (although Happy End of the World Day was nice), but I can't really think of a better one for this... 'Twas a specified date when our intellects would be tested [homeschool portfolio]; and I concluded to whip up a rendering for the occasion.  I decided to focus more on the materials (color + texture + appearance) as opposed to actual modeling for this; I used Halos (kind of like turning every vertex into a particle) and was experimenting with the settings--rings, lines, vertex normal... veeeeery interesting stuff. I have no idea if this ties in with my Isle of the Mutant Monkeys post...

Non Sequitur

This is a Haiku. Haikus don't always make sense. Refrigerator.  --Klenda As I lay dying, What carries me off? Sasquatch. I smile thinly. —The Emperor Haiku for Oob-y. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee. I'm bad at haikus. — Me Tree one says to two, “Maple, I would pine for you.” I pick up my ax. —Klenda One, two, five four three. 'Tis awesome—I'm on TV. Why. Even. Bother? — Myself

Blender 101 1/2 Tardis Part 2: Freshnel ZTransp

The previous TARDIS post may have had nothing to do with Doctor Who, but this one is about replicating one of the first special effects ever used in the show: transparency.  Going back to the picture from last post... Here, in the green, circled part of the picture are the two settings I find most useful: Alpha and Freshnel.  Alpha transparency affects how transparent the whole thing is, while Freshnel makes it disappear while you can still see the edges.  I've provided another example for this: The cube on the left is the effect of Alpha, while the cube on the right is Freshnel.  Commenting on the title, ZTransp, short for ZTransparency, is the default transparency "mode," and I have no idea what it means. I have improved my TARDIS quite significantly since the last post, as you can see from this video I made...