Done with Finals!

So finals happened and things got delayed a bit but I'm back!  Hopefully filming for ABYDOS will return pretty soon (turns out there's a bit more than I'd originally thought we'd need, but it should work pretty well), and I've done a bit more work on some of the effects from what I already have.  But on to more Graphic Design!

One fun thing I ended up making was a letterform portrait!  This was quite interesting, particularly because it was made entirely of text (from the Zapfino font), primarily using parentheses, slashes (quite useful, as they're basically just straight lines), and another thing that I have no idea what the name is. 

In fact, the original picture I based this on was one of many attempts for a photo resembling a portrait by Picasso. All I ended up doing was taking the photo, making it black & white and increasing the contrast (to see the lines and shapes better), and taking different type/letters and placing them onto the portrait, essentially replacing it (occasionally using features such as basically blending characters together with the tie).  This was quite fun. 

For finals, I had to do two projects (one of which I'll get to later), and one of them had to do with the Used Book Cafe logo!  For this project I ended up putting the logos onto five different kinds of physical media (web pages didn't count).  Although Photoshop was the ideal option, I decided to go After Effects for it nonetheless (rendering a series of still images instead of video, then deleting the unnecessary copies; the series I'd rendered were 2-3 frames long).

I'll address my other projects later on; bye for now!
