My Final Graphic Design Project

For my final project, I was supposed to choose an issue I felt strongly about, use a pantone color for the background, and make a text and image illustration to convey the message.  My choice was police brutality.  Interestingly enough, the challenge seemed not technical but intellectual; the class was teaching me to think differently as a designer, rather than just how to use Illustrator.  It was when my professor mentioned to me that a handcuff silhouette looked like eyes that I seemed to get it more.
(Note: the website mentioned is completely fictitious; as of this writing it does not exist.)
Apparently one point in this course is a bit of minimalism; there's just enough of the officer to see him, but there isn't any clutter or anything fancy.  I still think detail has its place (I very much prefer the Windows XP/7 visual style over 8 or 10, for instance), but I can certainly see the strength of minimalism here. 


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