Some of My Other Graphic Design Projects

One was fun: I had to write words in a way that demonstrated the definitions of the words themselves.

Another assignment was to take a bad poster and redesign it.  I mean really, really bad.  As in, one that lacks any sense of coherence whatsoever.  I decided this one would do nicely.

The only trouble was, I had no idea what a Geo-Filter was.  After reading it through I had less of an idea what it was (as opposed to being confused, I'd gotten completely the wrong idea about it).  After a bit of research, a choice from a selection of templates and a few thumbnails on pencil-and-paper (as, in Graphic Design, that was apparently especially important as we think differently that way than how we would with Illustrator), I ended up creating this:

Much better!  Apparently, less is more in terms of being eye-catching; my professor asked me to reduce the word count several times, and there's a lot less random junk (such as the emoji and tons of logos) that feel as out-of-place as the random CGI in the '97 Star Wars trilogy remakes. 
