Welcome to the Blog of an Amateur Computer Animator!

First of all, I have to tell you, the title of the blog is totally deceiving.  This is the blog of a junior computer animator, not a group of junior computer animators.  However, why I named this “jrcomputeranimators.wordpress.com” is because all of you younger guys (or older guys; I’m only 14 here) can come here for suggestions and great links to digital animation sites.
Now that that’s all clear, the second thing is that this is not only computer animation.  It also includes stuff from Photoshop and a bit about book writing, since I sent in a query earlier and plan to have it published.  Then why didn’t I name this blog, “www.jrcomputeranimatorsandphotoshoppersandpotentalfutureauthors.blogspot.com”?  I dunno.  Go figure.  But rest assured that this blog will mostly be about its namesake: computer animation.
And then one of the last things: why do I even run this blog?  The answer is a combination of answers: 1: A friend of my Dad’s who runs his own computer-animation team recommended that I do it. 2: I can help some of you other junior computer animators out there.  3: I like doing it.  And 4: My Mom also runs a blog (www.zoomtimes.blogspot.com– I’m the guy named Mxyl).
And now, the final thing: the link of the day–er, post– is:
www.kennyroy.com!  This is an extremely good site for animation tutorials (way better than my blog, at least)!  I’ll try to update my blog as often as possible!
